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Loeffler - InnoPharma 

In May 1978 our company dedicated to large species Loeffler was founded, with the philosophy of improving the quality of life of animals; however, seeing the growing need of the pet industry, in 2010 we opened our line for pets InnoPharma, offering innovative products, high quality and the most advanced technology to meet the needs of patients. 

By 2019 we managed to make our first export abroad, today we have presence in more than 10 countries between Latin America and the Middle East.

InnoPharma InnoPharma
Logotipo InnoPharma

We innovate with your pet in mind

InnoPharma is our line dedicated to the care of companion animals. We focus on developing innovative products that make it easier for veterinarians to provide optimal medical management, while ensuring the health and well-being of the owners' life partners.

Shaping a legacy

Loeffler is our specialized line of products for Large Species. We offer a wide range of products designed specifically for cattle, horses, goats, sheep, pigs and poultry. Our products are highly effective both in the prevention and treatment of diseases.

For 45 years, we've been building a strong and lasting legacy.

Vaca lechera Loeffler
Logotipo Loeffler Rojo

Loeffler - InnoPharma
in the world

Today we are present in 11 countries in Latin America and the Middle East.



Honduras InnoPharma


Costa Rica InnoPharma

Costa Rica

Perú InnoPharma


Qatar InnoPharma


Guatemala InnoPharma


Panama InnoPharma


Ecuador InnoPharma


Republica Dominicana InnoPharma



Singapur InnoPharma


Emiratos Arabes Unidos InnoPharma

Arab Emirates

InnoPharma en el mundo


Ethical values and the environment;

promoting a culture of respect, based on coexistence, ethical values and love for life.


The mission of the Loeffler - InnoPharma is to preserve and improve animal health through innovation in veterinary drugs and reliable solutions.


We are committed to providing excellent products that promote the well-being and care of pets. Our passion for health drives us to develop effective and safe solutions, backed by rigorous quality processes.


In Loeffler Laboratories - InnoPharma, we work tirelessly to make a difference in the lives of people and animals, offering exceptional quality in each of our products.

InnoPharma dejando huella


InnoPharma visión

We strive to be recognized leaders in the global markets in which we operate, solidifying our reputation as a reputable and trustworthy company.


Our vision is focused on providing the highest quality products that guarantee health safety and well-being both in Mexico like in the rest of the world.


We are committed to constantly evolving, exceeding expectations through innovation and excellence. Our goal is to significantly improve people's quality of life through our products and our strong commitment to quality.


  • We are dedicated to fully satisfying our internal and external customers.

  • We constantly strive for excellence in everything we do.

  • We promote and consolidate a culture of quality and regulatory compliance.

  • Our behavior is characterized by always being respectful and responsible.

  • We have a sincere interest in supporting our colleagues and working as a team.

  • We work with passion, and we are proud to be part of GLR.

InnoPharma Valores
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Logotipo 45 años Loeffler


55 2626 9100 ext. 512 - 522


55 5985 3020


+52 1 55 3013 1481

Nuestro ADN

Somos una empresa farmacéutica veterinaria orgullosamente mexicana con la filosofía de mejorar la calidad de vida de los animales, ofreciendo productos de alta calidad, innovadores y con la tecnología más avanzada para satisfacer las necesidades de los pacientes.

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