Estrol®It is a synthetic estrogen for reproductive protocols such as control of the estrous cycle, its objective is to trigger luteolysis.Estrol®Estrol®estrogenic Injectable solution Registration Q-0666-100 FormulaEach mL contains: Estradiol Benzoate ....... 2.76 mg cbp vehicle. ......................1.0mL Indications:Estrol®It is recommended for the induction of estrus in cattle and horses without adverse effects on future productive function. Dose:Cows:0.5mL to 1.0mL Mares:0.5mL to 1.0mL Withdrawal period: Animals intended for human consumption should not be slaughtered until 6 days after the last application. Do not administer to females producing milk for human consumption. Route of administration:Intramuscular. Ficha TécnicaDescarga la ficha aquí